
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Hits Glitter Forte 614 Punk Rock

This was a gorgeous glitter polish.  It is bright orange and would be perfect for Halloween.

One easy coat provides complete coverage without the underlying color showing through as far as I could tell.  The glitter lies completely flat, although it is top coat hungry.  Just one coat of Seche Vite still left a dull, very fine gritty feel rather than the glassy feel that I'm used to from Seche Vite.

I love the slightly wide and slightly flat Hits brush.  I had absolutely no cleanup at all, and that's a first for me.  The brush was perfect to get complete coverage on my nail.  So, the cuticle edge that looks so clean in the pictures, that was without any cleanup at all.

I usually try out glitters or other top coats as an accent nail on Saturdays, the day before I take the polish off.  In the pictures below, after a week's wear on my Hits Demeter manicure, I added the Punk Rock 614 on my ring finger as an accent.  In the pictures I have a base coat, three coats of Hits Demeter, 1 coat of Seche Vite, and 4 coats of Revlon Quick Dry Top Coat on all the nails, and on top of that on the accent nail I have one coat of Punk Rock 614 and a coat of Seche Vite.







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