
Saturday, March 31, 2012

My Very First Post on My Very First Blog

I never thought I would have a blog, but now I know for sure that my nail polish addiction is pretty severe.  I loved nail polish even before I was allowed to wear it.  I don't think I'm alone in that.  I kept my nails polished as a teenager and then as a single woman.  However, once I got married, I got sidetracked, and my focus was elsewhere.  But, less than a year ago, I started regularly painting my nails again.  It makes me feel good about myself, because I'm taking care of myself, and because having polished nails adds to a polished appearance.  And, buying nail polish is FUN!

So, that's how "it" started.  A few months ago I discovered nail polish blogs.  I can't even remember how that happened.  I eventually had to learn how to use Google Reader rather than clicking on the link of each blog one by one.  I thought I would never go crazy with buying nail polish.  But, I kept buying more than I expected, and I had to buy a set, O.K., two sets of storage drawers for my nail polish.  But, I thought, "hey, my addiction is not that bad . . . I don't have a blog and never will."  Yeah.  No denying it now. It's a full-blown addiction.

I am a happily married part-time stay-at-home doggie mom and part-time litigation attorney.  I have been a lawyer for twenty years in South Florida.  Given my choice of profession, and given that I go to court often, up until this year, I never thought I would wear anything but some version of red or pink or orange nail polish.  I couldn't see myself ever wearing or even liking blue polish or green and especially not glitter.  But, now I love blue polish and wear it (although mostly on my toes), and I love green polish, and I especially love glitter.  My most recent nail polish obsession is magnetic nail polish.

This blog will be like a journal where I keep track of my manicures.  I will post pictures (as soon as I learn how to do that).  If you are reading this, and you know about blogs, please feel free to share any tips.  At this point I know NOTHING!!!

Welcome to my blog, and thank you for reading!


  1. Welcome to the nail-polish-addicts-world Olga <3

    1. Thank you! I follow and love your Nails Made Simple blog. I didn't realize you also had another nail polish blog. Now I am following that one, too!
