
Sunday, July 1, 2012

L'Oreal Greyt Expectations

My husband's Aunt Carole sent me surprise nail mail earlier this year, and inside were three L'Oreal polishes.  One of them was Greyt Expectations.  I really like it, but I have to say that my husband just can't wrap his head around the fact that women wear this color on their nails and that it's trendy.  This coming from a man who was into the goth look briefly in college . . . including non-traditional nail polish.  I really like the color, though.

The formula and brush were good in terms of application.  It has a creme finish.  The polish took a while to fully dry and cure, though.  I do my nails on Sunday night, and this polish had a nasty accident on Monday morning.  A nail dug into another and dented the polish all the way through to the nail.  I had to redo that nail quickly before work.  Luckily that nail dried quickly, and I didn't have any other dents.

The color is very pretty.  I don't think you can see it in the pictures, but it has the tiniest black specks that really add to the beauty of the color in my opinion.  The color to me looked like it had some purple in it.  In some lights it was just regular greige or concrete, in other lights it reminded me of some kind of clay, and in lower lights I could see the purple undertones.  I started calling it grurple.  And, I have Chinese crested hairless dogs, and one of my dogs' skin is the same shade of grurple here and there.  That has to be a first in the nail polish world:  matching the color of your hairless dog's skin.

The wear was good.  It lasted the entire week, although I did have to patch up my tips early on.  I did get shrinkage from Seche Vite and from Revlon Quick Dry Top Coat, but it wasn't too bad.  Cleanup and removal were easy.

Here are some pictures:

Morning Sunlight

Indoors Office Lighting

Afternoon Sunlight

Afternoon Sunlight

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