
Saturday, April 7, 2012


In a few hours, I will be on the road, on vacation.  We're going to Savannah, Georgia.  We've never been there.  If anyone has been there, let me know if you know of any good places to go to or see or things to do.

I don't know how much posting I will be able to do on vacation for the next week, but I will be going into as many new CVS and Walgreens stores as possible to see if they have different products from what we have here in South Florida.  If I buy anything, I will try to put a blog post up about it while on vacation.

Also, this is my last of my drafted posts that were waiting for editing.  And, I don't have any more backlogged pictures of prior manicures.  So, from now on I may have fewer manicure posts as I only paint my fingernails about once a week.

But, on to the real subject of this post:  my nail polish storage!  Below are pictures of my current storage.  I use two sets of three drawers.  I organize my polish bottles by color.  I keep the bottles on their sides because the drawers are not tall enough for the bottles to stand up in the drawers.  I haven't had any problems with nail polish separating or drying around the bottle opening and sealing it shut, but I have heard of other people having those problems if they don't keep their bottles upright.  I do rotate the bottles every so often, and that may also be helping to prevent settling.  I may soon have to upgrade to what I hear other nail polish bloggers refer to as a "Melmer," the scrapbooking storage set of drawers sold at Michael's.  They should be able to hold the polish bottles upright. I hope I can still see the colors of the polish easily enough with the bottles upright.  Anyway, in my current set up I have a little over 100 bottles of polish in four drawers plus two drawers of supplies.  I've heard the "Melmer" can hold 300 bottles.  Here are the pictures of my current storage set up:

Two sets of drawers.

Drawer on the right.

Drawer on the left.

Orange, brown, metallic and vampy polishes and Sally Hansen Salon Effects nail polish strips. 

Drawer with red and pink polishes, base and top coats, and some Sally Hansen nail polish strips. 

Same as above, but you can see the orange polishes at the back a little better.  This was with flash.

Drawer with blue and green polishes, unused nail polish wheels, and some Sally Hansen nail polish strips. 

Special effects top coats, flakies, holographic polish, glitter polish, duochrome polish, and magnetic polish. 

Same as above

Same as above, but you can see the magnetic polishes at the back better.  Photo taken with flash.

Supply drawer with duplicate/backup bottles of polish and tools. 

Another supply drawer.

Thank you for reading my blog!


  1. Have a great vacation! I've always wanted to go to Savannah!

    1. Thanks! We are in North Florida tonight and tomorrow visiting my best friend. Monday we will be in Savannah. I am dying to go to the CVS close to the hotel here, but we got in late, and tomorrow we'll spend all day with my friend, so I will probably go there on our way out of town. I deliberately didn't bring polish remover so that I could get a small bottle at a pharmacy away from home.

  2. Great collection!!
    Have fun a great vacation!!

  3. Great stash!!! I have heard lots of good things about Melmers, that would definitely be a good system if you wanted to eventually store them upright. I use the Helmers from Ikea and I love them =) Have a fantastic vacation!

  4. I also think the Melmer will fit into my linen closet, which is where my polish is now.

    Your nail polish collection is amazing! I saw on your blog that you have over 1,000 polishes!!! Wow! That's 10 times the size of my collection. How long did it take you for the collection to take up Helmers?
